est. 2011
At ReVolt, expect the highest standards of fitness and lifestyle education. We're certified strength & conditioning Coaches, and Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) Mobility Specialists. These are further backed by bachelor's degrees in Kinesiology. Our mission is simplifying human health, to making it both accessible and achievable. The method relies on hard science, proven results, and above all else: sustainability.

Helping you achieve your goals is a big responsibility. As a result, we've spent over 20 collective years honing the art and science of Coaching. A long and diverse list of clients trusting their success to us is a testament to that. By collaborating with them, and our industry peers, we're able to adapt to anyone's needs.

Ready to take ownership of your health? We know full well it's far from easy, but the formula can be very simple. Move daily, make better Fuel choices, and Listen to qualified experts. Let us help you fire up your very own ReVolt:
Western health care's reactive medicating approach has slowly eroded confidence in our regenerating and flourishing superpowers.

The modern human environment is convincing our species that movement is a trivial lifestyle choice, plaguing us with avoidable pathologies, dysfunction, pain, and mental health disorders.
Movement is the closest thing we have to a panacea (cure all).
It’s the keystone to our physical, mental, and social well-being.

In the course of our evolution, physicality was survival: hunting, building shelter, avoiding predation, and procreating. Our brains are only as incredible as they are because we continued to evolve advanced physical capacities.

Rather than continue the ignorance of interaction, play, skill acquisition, adaptation, and healing, we're empowering a ‘re-volt:’
01A re-wiring of the mind and body back to prioritizing self-care.
02A battle against avoidable physical and mental degrading.
Let's take you back to where it all started. A young, 30 pounds overweight individual is reaching the end of a spectacularly mediocre athletic career. The retirement plan was mostly video games and candy, with a little College sprinkled in.

Shockingly, that recipe for disaster caught up quickly, and the reality of a trash self image set in.  Being unhappy with what's staring back in the mirror, while realizing you can't even hold your body under a pull-up bar does wonders for a person's self confidence.

With mental and physical health at all time lows, things spiralled and life served up a nasty cold dish. This isn't about a self-pity story; the point is we know full well how easy it is to get overwhelmed. Making a comeback can seem as likely as hitting the lotto. Here's where a person really learns the value of support systems like friends and family, especially when climbing out of a dark place.

Having those, along with the fortunate opportunity to be able to get educated on health and wellness, helped spark a light at the end of the tunnel. With enough in the bag to finally get after it, the time came to put (pull) up or shut up. Along the way came some seriously valuable lessons; after all, experience is the best teacher.
A few co-signs from our Hall of Fame:
It's been outstanding training with ReVolt. They've been so thoughtful in terms of adjusting the Training to overcome old injuries. As a result, I've been able to make great progress towards my goals in overall health and other sports.

This has been so complementary, and we've expanded into the science of 'zone' Training. What's even better is now my 11-year-old joins in too! This makes for such good father-son bonding time.

- Fernando
With ReVolt, not only did I get a trainer, but a lifestyle coach. They've guided me on all aspects of health, from nutrition to sleep to breathing techniques. In a few months of coaching, I'm in the best physical and cognitive shape of life!

Their multifaceted approach allows for great coaching whether for holistic health, or specific Training goals. I'd recommend them to anyone looking to improve their health.

- Tobias
I've been working out for over 8 years and ReVolt completely changed the way I think about health. I've been able to hone in on weak points, revamp my diet, recover faster, and Train more. This is all while getting stronger, faster and leaner.

- Anita
As a previous college athlete who now works a desk job I was finding that the aches and pains had crept in and I was not feeling the best version of myself.

While I had done plenty of training in the past I realize now that I was not properly schooled on exercise physiology, how to train smart and how my body could and should feel.

One of the best decisions I have ever made was taking my wife's advice and starting my journey in working with a personal trainer. Early on I was really fortunate to get matched up with Andrew who I have been training with now for over two years.  

His approach has worked so well for me and our personalities really click. He is very skilled at understanding my body, working around injuries and pushing me to achieve remarkable gains in strength and overall wellbeing. He knows what is important to focus on and does not overcomplicate or confuse me with his coaching.  

Plus he is such a likeable guy who makes the session fun and something I really look forward to! I truly feel much stronger and healthier than I have in many years.  

I also now feel empowered to train much more effectively myself with the knowledge I have gained. I am so thankful for Andrew's support in coaching me along this journey.

- Baden
ReVolt are incredibly patient and detail-oriented. They explain the science and purpose of each exercise as well as targeting specific Joints. As a result, our sessions have tremendous carryover to almost all other areas of my Training regimen.

- Stuart & Jennifer
I am not someone who loves to work out. I know I need to, but have never loved it. I’m a busy executive and it’s hard to carve out the necessary time for fitness even though it’s important.  

I have been training with ReVolt for almost three years for one reason only, Andrew! He is the best trainer I have ever worked with and a true partner on my fitness journey.  

He listens, is knowledgeable, and makes it real. We mutually understand and respect one another as people, and I'd never train with anyone else.

- John
Ready to stop playing Russian Roulette with your health?
Let's splash some ice cold alkaline glacier water on your face: relying on 6 week transformations, 1/2 nudes with inspirational quotes, and influencers for motivation will only guarantee long term failure.

Your health is a lifelong odyssey, and a personal responsibility. This is what makes it one of the most rewarding grinds a human being can undertake.
If you're willing to learn and respect the process, we're here to help.
Our methodology is guided solely by science and verifiable fact; snake oil gimmicks have no place here.
Anyone willing to trust us can expect the peace of mind they deserve.
We're constantly adding to our bag, aiming to continually educate and adapt within the rapidly changing science of human physiology.

Chances are that you've been semi-retired from the game, and probably confused amidst all the 'information age' noise that is pumped out there in the context of human vitality.

The good news is, the formula is simple (but not easy). You are human, and therefore wired to be tenacious and resilient.

We are here to be your lifestyle bullshit filter, and empower critical thinking. The ultimate goal is get back to basics, grabbing a stranglehold of the simple, but incredibly powerful tools that set the stage for one hell of a human existence.
We understand the basic needs of our fellow humans.
Well over 20 collective years’ experience in both human behaviour change, and physical education has helped with that a little.
Western health care's reactive medicating approach has slowly eroded confidence in our regenerating and flourishing superpowers.

The modern human environment is convincing our species that movement is a trivial lifestyle choice, plaguing us with avoidable pathologies, dysfunction, pain, and mental health disorders.
Movement is the closest thing we have to a panacea.
It’s the keystone to our physical, mental, and social well-being.

In the course of our evolution, physicality was survival: hunting, building shelter, avoiding predation, and procreating. Our brains are only as incredible as they are because we continued to evolve advanced physical capacities.

Rather than continue the ignorance of interaction, play, skill acquisition, adaptation, and healing, we're empowering a ‘re-volt:’
01 A re-wiring of the mind and body back to prioritization of self-care.
02A battle against unnecessary physical and mental degradation.
This is chess, not checkers.
Ready to stop playing Russian Roulette with your health?
Let's splash some ice cold alkaline glacier water on your face: relying on 6 week transformations, 1/2 nudes with inspirational quotes, and influencers for motivation will only guarantee long term failure.

Your health is a lifelong odyssey, and a personal responsibility. This is what makes it one of the most rewarding grinds a human being can undertake.
If you're willing to learn and respect the process, we're here to help.
Our methodology is guided solely by science and verifiable fact; snake oil gimmicks have no place here.
Anyone willing to trust us can expect the peace of mind they deserve.
We're constantly adding to our bag, aiming to continually educate and adapt within the rapidly changing science of human physiology.

Chances are that you've been semi-retired from the game, and probably confused amidst all the 'information age' noise that is pumped out there in the context of human vitality.

The good news is, the formula is simple (but not easy). You are human, and therefore wired to be tenacious and resilient.

We are here to be your lifestyle bullshit filter, and empower critical thinking. The ultimate goal is get back to basics, grabbing a stranglehold of the simple, but incredibly powerful tools that set the stage for one hell of a human existence.