Joint Care

Our Joints are one big exclusive party.

Movement is the language of Joints. There’s a lot going on within them.

Bones, cartilage, fluid, ligaments, tendons, and muscles all groove together to form 'bio-junctions.' These are essential for day-to-day life because they allow us to Move. Their complexity can lead to gunky complications though.

Hibernating Joints get creaky and wear down, like a Lamborghini left wasting away in a garage. As we've mentioned, your body's priority is to remain efficient and whatever isn't used regularly, you lose. How many of your Joints feel like they're coated in a thick layer of rust right now?

The ultimate goal of Training is expressing their awesome potential. Fusing movement with muscular force is the only formula for success. This keeps Joints both mobile and stable, and the vital fluid within them nice and greasy. Before you try any of that fancy stuff on Instagram, you've got to make sure they have the capacity to do it.

Enter our Prepare section. We've got exercises for every single Joint of the body, which allow you to scan your current abilities. They're great for daily maintenance, especially when an hour-long Training session isn't possible. Focus on your stiffest areas, and hit them for a few minutes a day. It won't be long before these minor moments add up to significant gains.

While we're on the subject, they're also great as warm-ups on Training days. Whatever the scenario, practice makes permanent, so use laser focus to get your mind in tune with what you're asking your body to do. That way, those bio-junctions are ready to rock whenever they're needed. Whether that's in a boot camp, a group run, your favourite spin class, or an Arnold-inspired pump session. More than anything else, you'll be making sure they can resist injury.

We’re here to help guide you along the path to fluid motion.